#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// Variable declarations
int num = 42;
double pi = 3.14159;
char letter = 'A';
// Printing integer with %d placeholder
printf("Integer: %d\n", num);
// Printing integer in octal format with %o placeholder
printf("Octal: %o\n", num);
// Printing integer in hexadecimal format with %x placeholder
printf("Hexadecimal: %x\n", num);
// Printing double with %f placeholder
printf("Floating-point: %f\n", pi);
// Printing double in exponential format with %e placeholder
printf("Exponential: %e\n", pi);
// Printing character with %c placeholder
printf("Character: %c\n", letter);
// Printing string with %s placeholder
printf("String: %s\n", "Hello World");
// Additional variable declarations
long int largeNum = 1234567890;
long long int hugeNum = 987654321098765432LL;
short int shortHex = 0x1A;
unsigned short int ushortNum = 65535;
unsigned long int ulongNum = 4294967295UL;
unsigned long long int ullongNum = 18446744073709551615ULL;
size_t sizeValue = sizeof(int);
// Printing long int with %ld placeholder
printf("Long int: %ld\n", largeNum);
// Printing long long int with %lld placeholder
printf("Long long int: %lld\n", hugeNum);
// Printing short int in hexadecimal format with %hx placeholder
printf("Short int in Hex: %hx\n", shortHex);
// Printing unsigned short int with %hu placeholder
printf("Unsigned short int: %hu\n", ushortNum);
// Printing unsigned long int with %lu placeholder
printf("Unsigned long int: %lu\n", ulongNum);
// Printing unsigned long long int with %llu placeholder
printf("Unsigned long long int: %llu\n", ullongNum);
// Printing size_t with %zd placeholder
printf("Size_t: %zd\n", sizeValue);
// Additional variable declarations
long double bigPi = 3.14159265358979323846L;
char character = 'B';
int asciiValue = character;
// Printing double with %lf placeholder
printf("Double: %lf\n", pi);
// Printing long double with %Lf placeholder
printf("Long Double: %Lf\n", bigPi);
// Printing character with %c placeholder
printf("Character: %c\n", character);
// Printing ASCII value of character with %d placeholder
printf("ASCII value of Character: %d\n", asciiValue);
// Pointer declaration and initialization
int* ptr = #
// Printing pointer address with %p placeholder
printf("Pointer Address: %p\n", (void*)ptr);
// Printing pointer address in hexadecimal format with %x placeholder
printf("Pointer Address: %x\n", (void*)ptr);
return 0;