
20CYS202 - User Interface Design - 3rd Sem - B.E. CSE(CYS) - ASE, CBE

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20CYS202 - User Interface Design

20CYS202 - User Interface Design - 3rd Sem - B.E. CSE(CYS) - ASE, CBE


UI01 - User Analysis of Mini-Project Topic

UI02 - Basic HTML Form and Validation using JavaScript


  • Create a HTML Form for Anokha Registration Page with following HTML Elements.
    • Label
    • Textbox
    • Textarea
    • Radio Button
    • Check Box
    • Date Picker
    • Toggle Button
    • Drop Down List Box
    • File Upload
    • Button
  • On User Events the Javascript function should validate the input entered in the HTML Elements and display informative feedback.
Best Practices
  • Minimize the use of global variables
  • All declarations at the top of script or function
  • Initialize variables when you declare
  • Identifier names should be camelCase
  • Always put spaces around operators
  • Always indent code blocks
  • Always end a statement with a semicolon
  • Lines should not be longer than 80 characters

UI03 - Interface Evaluation of AUMS


  • Document your User Evaluation for Student View of AUMS
    • Each Observation should have a unique ID (Example. AUMS-UIE-001)
    • Please mention which Design Principle is violated with suitable screenshots and supportive link.
    • Suggestions for improvements can be mentioned.