Climate Alert System

Designed for a wide range of users from normal people to geologists, Climate Alert System's is the ultimate weather and geolocation API trusted by +150K users worldwide.

Forecast and Weather

Climate Alert System
Real-time Weather
Real-time or current weather provides access to near real-time weather information for millions of locations worldwide.
Future Weather
14 times daily, hourly and 15 min interval weather forecast, future weather (upto 300 days ahead) and hourly historical weather (from 2010 onwards) for millions of cities and towns around the world!
Air Quality Data, Time zone, Astronomy, IP lookup, Sports API, Currency API, Map API and Geo API
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Complete guidance from our expert team

Know weather in advance to and detect your location climate

Hourly, Daily and 15 min interval weather, history, astronomy, air quality data, sports and much more
1Upgrade Anytime

Signup for Free our climate alert system and then upgrade at anytime. No long term commitments.

299.99% accurate weather

We manage the infrastructure, hardware and network. While you simply enjoy the weather forecast data and leave rest on us.

3Join us!

All data in lightweight, simple and easy Join us today!

Quick and Easy Signup for climate updates

climate alert system makes it super easy to integrate our realtime, daily, hourly and 15 min interval weather forecast data, historical weather, air quality data, autocomplete, time zone, astronomy and sports data into your new or existing project.