
20CYS202 - User Interface Design

20CYS202 - User Interface Design - 3rd Sem - B.E. CSE(CYS) - ASE, CBE

:teacher: Course Instructor: Ms. Hemalatha P, Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security.

:books: Course Outcome

CO# CO Description
CO1 Understand the basics of World Wide Web
CO2 Develop interactive Web pages using HTML
CO3 Present a professional document using Cascaded Style Sheets
CO4 Construct websites for user interactions using JavaScript
CO5 Develop and deploy web applications

Quick Refreshers

Mini-Project Topics

Click Here to view Mini-Project Topics and Teams

Click Here to view Evaluation Pages of the Students
Click Here to view Assignments of the Students

:green_book: Text and Reference Books